
Thank you for taking the time to stop by and check out my stories. I’m still recovering from my recent website fiasco, but I should have this section updated soon. In the meantime, you can always follow my Amazon Author Page at: Free for your KindleTech Savvy?D/L the EPUB FREE! Or Read the PDF for FREE right now!The Itch: A Zombie Short It was the end of the world. We just didn’t know it yet. My name is Rob, or at least it used to be. I don’t know if we have names anymore. Not after the itch. This is the story of how it all happened, how this whole mess started. The usual stuff got us here: betrayal, … Read More

About Me

R. Brady Frost is an author from Northern Utah. Brady spent his early years on the family’s four acres surrounded by tomatoes, giant zucchini, and countless animals and critters. As the years wore on, Brady discovered an innate love for technology. He was caught sticking a magnet into an electrical outlet at his preschool on Hill Air Force Base and, while he didn’t gain super powers, he soon began dismantling the family’s broken electronics. In time this behavior spread to taking apart functioning appliances. Before anyone could stop him, he was piecing together his Frankenstein robot army, which resulted in more than a few popped fuses but, according to official records, caused no lasting damage. Of course, besides technology, Brady … Read More


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Author, R. Brady Frost

Welcome! You’ve finally gone and done it, haven’t you? Of all thing things you could have seen… Of all the wondrous places you could have gone… You found your way here. “Where is here?” you ask. That’s an excellent question, and since you’re so very good at asking questions, I’ll give you an answer! Are you ready for this? I’m about to blow your mind. You have reached the super-secret domain of R. Brady Frost. (That’s me!) I’m a not-so-world-famous fiction writer. (Wait, scratch that.) I am a mysterious writer of science fiction and fantasy. I would love to tell you more about myself, but… well, that’s what all the mysteriosness and this About Me link is for. And, hey, … Read More