Politics and Writing

R. Brady FrostCommentary1 Comment

Politics and Writing

Should writers use their platform to wield their politics? It’s a touchy subject, but author R. Brady Frost discusses some of the pros and cons.

Living on 9 Acres

R. Brady FrostPersonal Stuff4 Comments


When we moved to Texas about two and a half years ago, I was excited to buy a house with a bit of property. 9 acres! This was a huge step up from our tiny suburban homestead on a third of an acre but, as we soon learned, not all land is created equal.

I’m No Longer Providing That Content

R. Brady FrostWebsite News1 Comment

We don't need roads.

“Why am I here?” This post will serve as a redirect for popular posts I’ve written in the past, but contain content I will no longer provide. This is just one step I’m taking to better align my Author Website to where I want to go. The future is looking bright.