Remind Me Tomorrow

R. Brady FrostPersonal StuffLeave a Comment

R. Brady Frost on a Post-It Note

I bought a MacBook Pro this last Fall after starting my new job. The original intent was to use it for writing. And I have. I’ve written quite a bit, as a matter of fact. I’m a Windows user primarily, but I did use a Mac when I worked for Pearson School Systems some years ago. It wasn’t my preferred OS, but I don’t really have anything against Macs. Naturally, this begs the question: Why buy a Mac now? Well, my favorite writing and publishing applications are native to the platform, and that’s a pretty big deal. Anything that makes writing easier is a big plus in my book.Anyway… Every time I boot into my Mac, I get this friendly … Read More



R. Brady Frost spotted in the Wild

R. Brady FrostFinal Hope, Writing UpdatesLeave a Comment

R. Brady Frost with his biggest fan.

It was a beautiful Spring weekend here in Texas, but it didn’t start out that way.It was Friday and I sat at my desk, looking out the window as the raging wind tugged and pulled at our crepe myrtle trees. The sky was overcast and I began to wonder whether this camping trip was going to work out…

Springing Forward

R. Brady FrostWriting UpdatesLeave a Comment

The Rainy Months in Texas

Spring is here and that means it’s time to do some work! Aside from setting the clocks forward this weekend, I spent my time working out in the yard and getting some words.

Too Many Voices

R. Brady FrostWriting UpdatesLeave a Comment

I’ve encountered a lot of writing advice over the years and I’m always surprised how many people believe their way is the only way. I’m equally amazed by how often these people conflict one another. I don’t know if I’m getting Social Media fatigue or what, but I’ve finally reached a place where I need to shut it down. All of it. No more writing advice. Only writing.

Rewrite Crisis: Surviving Chapter Eight

R. Brady FrostFinal Hope, The Chlorophyllium Collection, Writing UpdatesLeave a Comment

As the weeks have gone by, I’ve delved deeper into my rewrites for Final Hope. And I was making good progress, too. That is, until I crossed paths with the dreaded Chapter Eight.
It didn’t start out bad. In fact, Chapter Eight was looking good at first. I was halfway through the chapter and I was rocking the word count at an alarming rate. Then, just as I was beginning to think I had the whole thing in the bag, things got weird.

Goodbye 2017 – Happy New Year

R. Brady FrostPersonal Stuff, Writing UpdatesLeave a Comment

2017 is coming to a close and as we reflect on the year behind us, we look forward to the days and adventures 2018 will bring. My writing plans this year aren’t new years resolutions, but a continuation of the hard work I’ve been putting in to chase down my dreams.