Oops! Newsletter Signups & Blog Posts via Email

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Old Email Signup Form

Hey folks! This is just a quick blog post to let you know of some changes that I need to make around the site. This won't impact most of you, but I wanted to make sure I put this out there just in case you're one of the few it does.

I was using a MailChimp addon to manage Newsletter subscriptions here on my site. It worked in the past with no issues, but it seems that it stopped doing what it was supposed to at some point. This is what the email signup form used to look like:

Old Email Signup Form

As you can see in the image above, you used to be able to select different lists, one of which was Blog Posts. What I discovered was that the main list for A Battle Mage Reborn wasn't actually doing its job! Somehow, the Blog Posts list was... except, I don't really know if those of you who signed up for that option were actually getting my blog posts in your email.

Since my Newsletter is a key way for me to stay in touch with my fans, I had to make the not-so-hard decision to change the signup landing page. It was a bit of a pain, but I guess it wasn't too hard to manage. In the process of figuring this out, I realized that there is a native way for folks to receive my blog posts in their inbox. AND, it looks like the majority of you who have opted for this option did it the way that WordPress intended.

See image below:

Email signup form, WordPress

So, I think I've got it figured out. It will take some time and testing to see if there is still an issue with my Newsletter sign up form, but I've used the form creator in MailChimp itself instead of relying on an addon. Hopefully this does the trick.

For the three of you who signed up to receive my blog posts via the old Newsletter signup form, I hope you get notified of this post. If you do, just make sure you enter your email address in the side widget as shown above and you should be good to go.

Sorry about the confusion, and thank you all for your patience while I work this stuff out.

If you haven't yet signed up for my Author Newsletter yet, and that sounds like something you'd enjoy. Please try the new form here, and let me know if you don't get the email from Mailchimp to confirm your subscription.

Thanks again!


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