Someone once told me that every great story begins with a what-if. I wanted to explore dark realms in LitRPG, and to look into the psychological depths that exist in Dark Fantasy. This intersection of faith and technology was very interesting to me.
You’ve got to dig deep!
Somewhere along the way, I forgot the very thing that drives me — this desire to create, to write, and to see my words in print. I forgot what it meant to be me. So now I have to dig deep. The only way out is through. I have to keep writing.
Why I Don’t Write Drunk
“Write drunk, edit sober.” — Earnest Hemingway
This phrase has been punctuated by endless memes on social media. It’s a fun thought. You know, thinking about what authors must be like. Picturing them sitting at their writing desks, holed up in their study.
A bottle of scotch sits within arm’s reach. Or is it vodka, or wine?
Tossing Words
Sometimes you have to kill a few words to uncover the true essence of your story. In my case, it’s taken well over 100,000.
What is Platform?
Not focusing on platform means my Facebook likes and Twitter follows aren’t going to skyrocket. It means my first few book releases are probably going to be slow burns. I have to be okay with that, and it really isn’t an awful expectation to have.
First Chapter Complete: Final Hope
This post is all about telling the darkness that it can go shove it. My draft folder might be filled with discarded words, but it was all worth it. Final Hope is finally starting to take shape.
Two Separate Paths
It was early 1995 and I was fourteen years old. I can almost remember the way the crisp spring air smelled. The snow on the mountains was beginning to creep back toward the white-capped peaks, revealing new patches of green on the mountainside. Life was fresh and new and filled with possibilities.